Davidoff Cigars is proud to introduce an exclusive successor to the former Oro Blanco Special Reserve 2002, to continue to enforce Davidoff’s ultra-premium image: The new Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years is the only cigar on the market with tobacco of a combined age of 111 years.
This exclusive blend holds vintage tobaccos dating back to 2006. It is the rarest blend Davidoff has to offer. For this beautiful creation, Davidoff’s Master Blenders selected tobaccos from five terroirs in the Dominican Republic to ensure an exceptionally balanced yet complex taste journey.
The exclusive toro is only rolled by Davidoff’s Master Roller supervisors with at least 20 years of experience and is only released when the Davidoff Master Blenders deem it ready to be enjoyed.
The Dominican puro is available in elegant wooden boxes of ten cigars, or as a single cigar that is also presented in its own wooden box.